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Текст "School Education in Great Britain"
    School Education in Great Britain
    In Great Britain education is compulsory for all children from 5 to 16. All state schools are free, and schools provide their pupils with books and equipment for their studies.
   The academic year usually begins in September and runs to early July; it has 3 terms, divided by the Christmas and Easter holidays. In addition, all schools have a "half-term holiday", lasting a few days or a week, in the middle of each term.
   There are 3 stages of education. Children move from the first stage (primary) to the second stage (secondary) at around the age of 11 or 12. The third stage is "further" education at university or college.
    At the age of 5 children go to infant school, which is the first stage of primary education. There is no written timetable and classes are informal. From 7 to 11 pupils attend junior school, which is the second stage of primary education. In primary school children are taught the so-called 3R's: reading, writing and arithmetic. They also have music, physical training and art classes.
   At the age of 11 most pupils go to secondary schools called comprehensive schools. These schools accept children of all abilities without entrance exams. About six per cent of students go to grammar schools, which take students who pass the eleven-plus examination. Grammar schools lead towards higher education, whereas comprehensives give general education.
   At 16 pupils take national exam called GCSE (General Certificate of Secondary Education) and then they can leave school if they wish. This is the end of compulsory education. Some 16-year-olds continue their studies in the sixth form at school or at sixth-form college. The sixth form prepares pupils for the national exam called A-level (Advanced Level) at 18. You need A-level to enter a university.
   Other 16-year-olds choose to go to a college of further education to study for more practical (vocational) diplomas relating to the world of work, such as hairdressing or mechanics.
    There are about 500 private schools in Britain. Most of them charge fees. Some private schools are boarding schools, where the children actually live in the school. The most expensive private schools are called "public schools" and they have a long history and tradition. Among the most famous public schools are Winchester, Eton, Westminstet, Rugby and Harrow.
compulsory - обязательный
nursery school - детский сад (от 2 до 5 лет)
pre-school - дошкольный
state school - государственная школа
free - бесплатный
primary - начальный
infant school - школа для малышей (младшая начальная школа для детей от 5 до 7 лет)
junior school - начальная школа (от 7 до 11 лет)
to attend - посещать
secondary - средний
comprehensive school - единая средняя (общеобразовательная) школа
grammar school - классическая школа (имеет академическую направленность)
to accept - принимать
entrance exam - вступительный экзамен
eleven-plus examination - отборочный экзамен для школьников в возрасте 11 лет
to lead - вести
higher education - высшее образование
whereas - тогда как
vocational - профессиональный
advanced level - продвинутый, повышенный уровень
to enter a university - поступить в университет
to charge fees - взимать плату
boarding schools - школа-интернат
to admit - принимать
Использован материал Е.И.Кисунько, Е.С.Музланова Английский язык, Астрель, Москва, 2006. 
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